Angular 2 Step by Step: introduces you to the essentials of this “superheroic” framework, including powerful features such as rich templates, change detection, user interactions, two-way data binding, comprehensive routing, and dependency injection. AngularJS was designed by Google to address challenges programmers face building complex, single-page applications. This JavaScript framework takes care of the back end so you can take care of the client side. Angular 2’s router comes with many features for routing based on path’s and loading specific components. This course gives you a fast and furious intro to how to configure your routes, navigate between them, and use services and guards when navigating to routes. In the Up and Running Series Courses we dive straight into the working examples. There are little to no slides in these courses. No long running intro videos and no installation videosAngular 2 Step by Step: Beginner To Advanced
Angular 2 Router: Up and Running