Ensure you’re producing results that meet the needs of stakeholders, by incorporating the four major indicators of quality—function, outputs, performance, and reliability—into your project planning. In this course, author and PMP Bob McGannon walks you through the considerations for making sure your project quality is spot on. Discover how to plan for quality, perform testing, and take into account special needs for IT projects.Lynda.com is a PMI Registered Education Provider. This course qualifies for professional development units (PDUs). To view the activity and PDU details for this course, click here.The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Topics include: What is project quality? The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Using Pareto analysis and Lean Six Sigma
Balancing quality, project workload, and customer needs
Addressing quality issues
Planning IT tests
Testing deliverables